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Refining Spirit, Flame From Love's Pure Fire
Refining Spirit, Flame From Love's Pure Fire
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn text is based on words of Saint Elizabeth of Schonau, mystic (1129-1164): "O consuming fire, O Spirit of love, descend into the depth of our hearts and there transform us, until we are fire of your fire, love of your love, and Christ himself is formed within us. Amen."
Psalm 2 - A brief analysis
Psalm 2 - A brief analysis
by Colin Smith
This reflection on Psalm 2 was originally written as a short talk/sermon (1165 words). It is seen as a royal Psalm sung at coronations. It emphasises that the position of Kings and rulers is under God. It serves to remind them of this and as a warning of the consequences of forge